Dr. Wil Spencer lecturing at Wild-by-Nature: 3 Locations!!!

wild by nature front shotDr. Wil Spencer is coming again to Long Island to lecture at not one, not two….but THREE different locations of Wild-by-Nature!! So, basically, you will have three different opportunities to expand your mind on health, nutrition and what creates vibrant health on May 8, 9 and 11!

If you are already familiar with Dr. Wil, then you already know you must come and listen. Each lecture is new and inspiring and filled with great new information. If, by chance, you have not familiarized yourself with this man and his paradigm-shifting information–then here is your opportunity!

Why paradigm-shifting, you ask? Well, when you have been dabbling, or dare I say diving, into the natural health/nutrition field for as long as I have, your ears perk up when most everything you have learned is turned on it’s head, after digesting one of his lectures!

I thought I knew that coconut oil was awesome, juicing was life itself, grains were okay….as long as they were soaked! Nuts are fine as long as they are soaked, too, right? Crickets. And all the vitamins and bio-identicals are just what my body needs!?

Well, then surely iodine is important for me?



Dude! What’s happening to my world!!

Alright….breathe. Count to ten. Ground yourself and remember that what lead you to asking questions is what leads you to new information. If you’re not ready to allow this information to penetrate and assimilate into your belief system (oh….and there’s lots of things Dr. Wil likes to talk about regarding that great topic!), then pick your derriere up off the stacking chairs at Wild-by-Nature and continue to enjoy your ignorant bliss. No harm, no foul. It’s just information….

But, I guarantee–This information will forever make you question what you think you know!

Location and Times:

Lots of information will be on the Facebook Group page: Body Electrician Community Kitchen

Come join the group and the conversation!!

Dr Wil Spencer lecturing at Wild by Nature Hampton Bays

wil spencerDr. Wil Spencer author, lecturer, radio host, researcher and Naturopathic Doctor,  is coming to Wild by Nature in Hampton Bays on January 16 at 7:00 pm. The lecture is free and open to the public. I would say the information is free-ing, however. Information leaves you free to make better decisions, and without this information you are not making informed decisions about your health!

When I talk about Wil to others, I often get the knee-jerk reaction that they too focus on health. They say, “I eat so many salads”, or “I’ve given up red meat” or the proverbial….”just bought a juicer”.  And what if that is just stock nutritional advice from a fraudulent “natural health” industry? What if most of what you know is based on junk science? Even if you hold a certificate/degree in holistic, nutritional, health, dietary whatever.

Believe me, I’m not trying to attack anyone’s belief system. I, for one, came to Dr. Wil with some strong ideas of my own. I was a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. I was told that soaking my grains was all I needed to do to be able to eat all the grains, nuts and seeds I could consume.

Yes, information can be freeing. It can open your mind, body and spirit to new possibilities. Even if you do know it all…..couldn’t hurt you any to listen to some one else’s take on things. Could it?